1. A Complete Guide with Examples on Stable Diffusion Prompt: This site offers a comprehensive look into crafting prompts for Stable Diffusion, including using specific mediums and styles to guide your creations. Visit here (AI Enthusiastic)​.

  2. 130+ Stable Diffusion Illustration Prompts (With Examples): A categorized collection of prompts for various illustration styles, such as vector art, 3D illustrations, cartoons, and more. Visit here (OpenAI Journey)​.

  3. Stable Diffusion: Prompt Guide and Examples: This guide explains how to write effective prompts by example, offering insights into the creative possibilities with Stable Diffusion. Visit here (StrikingLoo)​.

  4. Best Stable Diffusion Prompts Guide with Examples: Provides examples of prompts for Stable Diffusion and tips on crafting effective prompts for specific types of images. Visit here (Mockey)​.

  5. 32 Best Art Styles for Stable Diffusion + Prompt Examples: Focuses on how to incorporate various art styles into your prompts, with specific examples for creating unique images. Visit here (Let's Try Ai)​.

Here are five websites that provide examples and tips for crafting prompts specifically for DALL-E, which can guide you in creating more effective and creative text-to-image art:

  1. 40+ Best DALL-E Prompts With Examples and Tips: This site offers an expansive list of prompts that have been tested with DALL-E, along with tips for writing your own. Visit here (Mockey)​.

  2. Best 30 DALLE 3 Prompts You Must Try Right Now: Anakin.ai provides a curated list of prompts for DALL-E 3, designed to inspire a wide range of creative outputs. Visit here (Anakin.ai)​.

  3. 6 Tips To Create Images With DALL-E 2 + Prompt Examples: Kimp.io shares practical tips for creating compelling images with DALL-E 2, accompanied by specific prompt examples. Visit here (Kimp)​.

  4. DALL-E 2 Art: Experiments with Prompts or How I Got My New Wallpaper: This personal account by Strikingloo showcases various prompt experiments with DALL-E 2, providing insights into the creative process. Visit here (StrikingLoo)​.

  5. Dall-E 3 Beginner's Guide + Prompt Examples: Let's Try AI's beginner's guide to Dall-E 3 includes practical advice for getting started, along with examples of prompts that generate compelling images. Visit here (Let's Try Ai)​.

How to write prompts like a pro

Writing Effective Prompts for DALL·E

Introduction to DALL·E

  • Begin by explaining what DALL·E is, emphasizing its capabilities in generating diverse and intricate images from textual descriptions.
  • Highlight its use in creative projects, product design, and more.

Understanding the Basics

  • Discuss the importance of specificity and clarity in prompts. The more detailed your description, the better DALL·E can visualize your idea.
  • Example of a basic prompt vs. a detailed prompt.

Leveraging Creativity with Constraints

  • Introduce the concept of using creative constraints to guide the AI, such as specifying art styles, historical periods, or imaginary settings.
  • Examples of creative prompts and the varied results they can produce.

Technical Tips

  • Explain technical considerations such as aspect ratios, color schemes, and the use of keywords that influence style (e.g., "watercolor," "surrealism").
  • Tips on how to iterate on prompts to refine results.

Ethics and Usage Guidelines

  • Cover DALL·E’s content policy and ethical considerations when generating images.
  • Discuss responsible use of AI-generated imagery, especially concerning realistic depictions of people or sensitive subjects.

Crafting Prompts for Stable Diffusion

Introduction to Stable Diffusion

  • Provide an overview of Stable Diffusion, focusing on its ability to generate images from textual prompts and its open-source nature.
  • Mention the community-driven aspect, with users contributing models and enhancements.

Prompt Engineering Basics

  • Discuss how precise language can drastically affect the output quality. Emphasize the role of adjectives, nouns, and context in crafting prompts.
  • Example prompts to illustrate the impact of word choice.

Exploring Styles and Techniques

  • Encourage experimentation with different artistic styles, techniques, and historical periods to inspire unique creations.
  • Provide examples of prompts that specify different styles and the resulting images.

Iterative Process and Refinement

  • Highlight the importance of iteration in the creative process. Show how modifying and refining prompts can lead to improved results.
  • Include a section on troubleshooting common issues, like unwanted artifacts or off-topic elements.

Community and Resources

  • Point to Stable Diffusion communities for inspiration, support, and model updates.
  • Discuss how to stay informed about the latest tools and plugins developed by the community.

Conclusion and Best Practices

  • Summarize key takeaways for writing effective prompts in both DALL·E and Stable Diffusion.
  • Encourage ongoing learning and exploration, noting that prompt crafting is both an art and a science.

These guides can be adapted into blog posts, video tutorials, or interactive workshops to cater to different learning preferences. Remember, the goal is to inspire creativity and help users unlock the full potential of these powerful AI tools.